Wat Phra Kaew: Inside Bangkok’s Divine Treasure

Thailand’s capital city of Bangkok is home to countless cultural and religious landmarks, but few are as iconic and revered as Wat Phra Kaew. This sacred temple, also known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, has played an integral role in Thai history and remains an important spiritual center for locals and visitors alike. Here’s everything you need to know to fully explore and appreciate Wat Phra Kaew.

A Brief History of Wat Phra Kaew

A Brief History of Wat Phra Kaew

Before we dive into the specifics of Wat Phra Kaew, let’s take a step back and understand the temple’s rich history. The temple’s creation can be traced back to the late 18th century, during the reign of King Rama I. It was designed to be the home of the revered Emerald Buddha, which had been brought to the city by a group of Laotian monks. Over the centuries, Wat Phra Kaew has been expanded and renovated numerous times by subsequent kings and their royal architects, resulting in the stunning complex we see today.

The Founding of the Temple

King Rama I chose the site for Wat Phra Kaew carefully, as it was located within the confines of the royal palace. The king wanted the temple to be a symbol of his power and devotion, as well as a place of worship for the people of Bangkok. Construction on the temple began in 1782, using the finest materials and craftsmen from across the kingdom.

The Emerald Buddha and Its Significance

One of the primary draws of Wat Phra Kaew is the Emerald Buddha, which is housed in a grand, multi-tiered building called the Ubosot. The statue is carved from a single block of jade and is considered one of Thailand’s most sacred objects. Buddha’s image is depicted performing the bhumisparsha mudra, which represents his moment of enlightenment. It remains a symbol of Thailand’s rich Buddhist heritage and spiritual significance.

The Temple’s Role in Thai History

In addition to its religious significance, Wat Phra Kaew has played an important role in Thai history. Over the centuries, the temple has hosted numerous important ceremonies and events, including royal weddings, coronations, and the annual royal ploughing ceremony. It has also been the site of several notable restorations and renovations, including following a major fire in the 19th century.

Architectural Highlights of Wat Phra Kaew

Architectural Highlights of Wat Phra Kaew

Wat Phra Kaew is known for its ornate, intricate architecture, which blends traditional Thai, Chinese, and Khmer styles. The temple complex is divided into several sections, each with its own unique features and attractions.

The Ubosot and Its Unique Features

The Ubosot, the main building at Wat Phra Kaew, is where the Emerald Buddha is housed. The building itself is adorned with ornate, colorful tiles, and features gold-leafed murals depicting important Buddhist stories and scenes. The interior of the Ubosot is considered one of the holiest places in Thailand, and visitors are expected to remove their shoes and dress modestly when entering.

The Stupas and Their Symbolism

In addition to the Ubosot, Wat Phra Kaew is home to a number of impressive stupas, or chedis, which are used to house relics of Buddha. These structures vary in size and shape, and each one has its own unique symbolic meaning.

The Gallery of Murals

If you’re interested in Thai art and history, be sure to visit the temple’s Gallery of Murals. This exhibition features stunning murals depicting important events and mythological scenes from Thai history, and is considered one of the most impressive collections of Buddhist art in the world.

The Temple’s Ornate Decorations

No matter where you look at Wat Phra Kaew, you’re sure to be impressed by the intricate decorations and details. From the golden stupas to the colorful tiles adorning the roofs, every inch of the temple has been carefully crafted by skilled artisans.

The Emerald Buddha and Its Changing Seasons

The Emerald Buddha and Its Changing Seasons

One of the most unique features of Wat Phra Kaew is the fact that the Emerald Buddha is dressed in different seasonal outfits throughout the year. This tradition dates back to the early days of the temple, and has continued to this day.

The Three Seasonal Costumes

The Emerald Buddha is dressed in three different seasonal costumes throughout the year. During the hot season, Buddha wears a golden robe, during the rainy season, he wears a jeweled robe, and during the cool season, he wears a full-length shawl.

The Ritual of Changing the Costumes

Changing the Emerald Buddha’s costume is a highly ritualized event that takes place three times a year, on important Buddhist holidays. During the ceremony, monks carefully remove the old robe, clean and bless the statue, and then replace it with the new costume.

The Significance of the Seasonal Changes

The tradition of changing the Emerald Buddha’s costume represents the changing of the seasons and the cyclical nature of life. It also serves as a reminder of the impermanence of all things, and the importance of embracing change and living in the present moment.

Visiting Wat Phra Kaew: Practical Information

Visiting Wat Phra Kaew_ Practical Information

If you’re planning a visit to Wat Phra Kaew, there are a few things you should know before you go.

How to Get to Wat Phra Kaew

Wat Phra Kaew is located in the heart of Bangkok, within the grounds of the Grand Palace. The easiest way to get there is by taxi or tuk-tuk, although it’s also possible to take a boat to the nearby Tha Chang Pier.

Entrance Fees and Opening Hours

Visitors to Wat Phra Kaew will need to pay an entrance fee of 500 baht per person. The temple is open daily from 8:30am to 3:30pm, and visitors are advised to arrive early to beat the crowds.

Dress Code and Etiquette

As with all Buddhist temples in Thailand, visitors to Wat Phra Kaew are expected to dress modestly and respectfully. This means covering your shoulders, knees, and ankles, and removing your shoes before entering the Ubosot. Visitors should also avoid pointing their feet at Buddha, and refrain from using flash photography.

Tips for a Smooth Visit

Finally, if you want to make the most of your visit to Wat Phra Kaew, be sure to come prepared. Wear comfortable shoes, bring a hat or umbrella to shield you from the sun, and carry a bottle of water with you. And don’t forget to take your time exploring the temple’s many intricate details and features — there’s always something new to discover.


Wat Phra Kaew is truly a must-visit destination for anyone interested in Thai history, culture, and spirituality. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor to Bangkok, this iconic temple is sure to leave a lasting impression. From the stunning Emerald Buddha to the intricate architectural details, there’s no shortage of things to marvel at and appreciate. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your visit to Wat Phra Kaew today!